I believe that Berber History should be preserved because, a lot of people live in these traditional villages and they deserve to keep their identity clear. Why can other bigger societies get to keep their old history and these people cannot? Not many of the Berber languages are written, but still the elderly can tell their children or the younger ones, and they can pass it down. Also, I think that many of the people who have actually gotten to know the Berbers, and seen how they live and that they are happy with what they have, should understand. If people take the time to try to understand the Berbers history then maybe it would be preserved even more and their culture could spread farther than it already has! I believe that Berber history musn't be left behind because we built up from there aspects and we have to keep on growing if we want to get somewhere, so the more we grow more things will fade away. Culture cannot fade away in these cases, because then we have nothing to built up from.